A Perfect Wedding Conclusion

My name is Sunny Alexander, and I’m Henry James, and we’re writers for Dark Sides of the Truth magazine. Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X…


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5 More Reasons to Detach

Buddhist Practice for Today

It makes our own lives so much simpler when we let those who walk among us do whatever they want. When I practice detachment I feel as if my shoulders relax some. Hanging on to others in any fashion will never be successful for any length of time. There are many benefits to detachment. Relaxation is one of them.

We have been conditioned to blame others for every unfortunate event. And we blame ourselves for when our neighbor or partner is not doing their best. No one can cause us to act in a particular way, and we are not the cause of others’ behavior either. You are not to blame for someone’s bad mood or lack of luck. We are responsible for ourselves.

The tension we feel around others, regardless of who they are, is generally the result of over-involvement in their lives. We get into the habit of spying when we are uncertain of ourselves and even more uncertain of the lives of our loved ones. When we are creeping around the corner to see what our partner is doing or our who loved ones are with we need to take a step back and detach.

When we are the center of someone else’s life it restricts our movement. We don’t have a life of our own. It is crucial to understand that what we are here to do compliments what someone else is here to do as well. But we are not here to do for others what they are here to do for themselves.

Remaining quiet when we want to speak is a good beginning.

The anticipation of the unknown as in a change we might make can seem more painful than what we have learned to accept within ourselves and our current situation.

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